Tag Archive | Personal finance

One man trash is another mans $19!!

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Good Monday Morning!!

This morning I received an e-mail from one of the attorneys that we deal with for bankruptcy clients. He was sharing his thanks to CCCS of Central Oklahoma for times we have gone “above and beyond” for his office and clients. I think they are worth sharing… CCCS of Central Oklahoma helped my little office […]

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Who are we and why are we here?

For a while now I have been writing posts for this blog, telling people about money, budgets, finances, mortgages etc. Today it occurred to me that some people reading this may have no idea who we really are… We are Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Central Oklahoma. We are a non-profit credit counseling agency…But wait…We […]

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Our Community Garden

Here at CCCS of Central Oklahoma we are always talking to clients about budgets, credit and financial planning. Besides having a healthy pocketbook it is also important to have a healthy lifestyle. Now the problem here is being able to eat healthy without going broke doing it. Sometime back we began tossing the idea around […]

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The Maddening Battle for Your Grocery Dollar

Where do I go to make the most of my grocery dollar? I mean I really need my Twinkies and milk, but how can I get them without breaking the bank? In Oklahoma City we have a pot luck of stores: Aldi, Whole Foods,Wal-Mart, Sunflower Market, and the list beats on. Just taking a rough […]

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RIP 2011. Hello 2012!!

Let’s just kick off 2012 by addressing the pink elephant in the room. New Year Resolutions! How did it go with your 2011 resolutions? I am going to take a shot and say that you were probably about as successful as the rest of the world – which is to say, they probably didn’t get […]

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Marriage and Divorce

Lets talk about a topic that hits close to home for many of us… D.I.V.O.R.C.E.  it’s a great song that becomes a reality for far too many. Did you know that the US has the lowest percentage of children growing up in homes with BOTH biological parents in the western world? The divorce rate in […]

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Trick or Treat??

DON’T BE SPOOKED BY FINANCIAL DECISIONS                         Silver Spring, MD – Halloween tricks or treats come along only once a year, but the consequences of financial decisions usually last far past the next spooky holiday.  Options that seem good on the surface, if not handled properly, can have long-lasting negative consequences. To understand how a […]

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The Thousand Million Dollar Education… (Money from a kids view)

If I asked you “Where does Money come from” or “What happens if you spend everything in your bank account” the answers would all be pretty close to the same. Now what happens if we ask a group of kids the same questions? Well, we just so happen to have done just that… Hope you […]

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Financial Literacy Month

Did you all know that this month is Financial Literacy Month? What does that mean exactly? Well, I guess it means being smart with my money. Using it so it does not use me!! On Thursday April 28th 2011 The National Foundation for Credit Counseling will team with USA Today for a Q&A on financial […]

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