
Good Monday Morning!!

This morning I received an e-mail from one of the attorneys that we deal with for bankruptcy clients. He was sharing his thanks to CCCS of Central Oklahoma for times we have gone “above and beyond” for his office and clients. I think they are worth sharing… CCCS of Central Oklahoma helped my little office […]

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Our Community Garden

Here at CCCS of Central Oklahoma we are always talking to clients about budgets, credit and financial planning. Besides having a healthy pocketbook it is also important to have a healthy lifestyle. Now the problem here is being able to eat healthy without going broke doing it. Sometime back we began tossing the idea around […]

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Your first home and where to begin.

Whether you are buying your first home, or you’ve bought before, there are steps you want to take before you ever walk into a banker or realtor’s office. First, get a copy of your credit report.  Your credit score is based on the items in your credit report, and the higher your credit score, the […]

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I’m sick and going to the Doctor could kill my budget

How many times have we all found our budgets wrecked by unexpected medical bills? Many people turn to credit cards to in order to finance these ER excursions. This can lead to money issues, debt and crisis. There is a way to get some breathing room…You CAN negotiate your medical bills. At first it may […]

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“Small Changes” Don’t Do Much for Me

Through my work in the Credit Counseling industry I often find comparisons between budget health and physical health. It seems that in many cases some of the same types of processes contribute to the problem and parallel solutions can be used to correct problems. The recent activities of the famous country-style cook Paula Deen got […]

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Keeping up with the Jones’s is wearing me out!!

Did you ever wonder who these “Joneses” are? There is an actual answer to that! Keeping Up with the Joneses is actually a comic strip from the New York Globe that was popular nearly one-hundred years ago. It was never intended to be the building blocks for anyone’s budget – or debt. So often we […]

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The Maddening Battle for Your Grocery Dollar

Where do I go to make the most of my grocery dollar? I mean I really need my Twinkies and milk, but how can I get them without breaking the bank? In Oklahoma City we have a pot luck of stores: Aldi, Whole Foods,Wal-Mart, Sunflower Market, and the list beats on. Just taking a rough […]

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Stand up and be strong in your frailty

Being a bankruptcy counselor we hear a lot of sad stories and some are just unbelievably painful. It is hard to really know where to pull the strength from to dust yourself off and carry on. “What is the next step I should take? Maybe it is better to just do nothing” Now you’re in […]

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Marriage and Divorce

Lets talk about a topic that hits close to home for many of us… D.I.V.O.R.C.E.  it’s a great song that becomes a reality for far too many. Did you know that the US has the lowest percentage of children growing up in homes with BOTH biological parents in the western world? The divorce rate in […]

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Trick or Treat??

DON’T BE SPOOKED BY FINANCIAL DECISIONS                         Silver Spring, MD – Halloween tricks or treats come along only once a year, but the consequences of financial decisions usually last far past the next spooky holiday.  Options that seem good on the surface, if not handled properly, can have long-lasting negative consequences. To understand how a […]

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